60 x 20m Visco-Ride Indoor school with full sound system and lots of natural light with lights
60 x 25m Visco Ride outdoor school with jumps
Covered, 5 bay horse walker, with double paddles and rubber anti- slip floor
Covered Visco-Ride lunge pen with rubber kick boards
Wash box with hot / cold overhead water and porous rubber flooring
20 box American barn, large airy stables with rubber flooring throughout and automatic watering. Hay and feed mangers are accessible from central passage.
A range of traditional outdoor stabling with rubber flooring
Secure, heated tackrooms.
Rug Room
Laundry facilites
Kitchen, loos and showers.
CCTV and residential staff on call
Good off road hacking
Instruction available from resident International Dressage trainers and Elite Event Trainer
Hard standing for Lorry / trailer parking
Whilst we are happy to provide a full and comprehensive service, we also encourage owners to contribute as much or a little as they can to the welfare of their horse with the knowledge that, if time is at a premium, their horse will be taken care of or prepared for travel to competition as necessary.
Grass / Youngstock
We have limited availability for youngstock keep, but try to keep small herds of same age / sex groups to that they learn to live with their peers!! We do have 5 fields in the village which have super grazing grass having been hay fields for a number of years. We also have fields on site which vairy in size and are rotated for resting. All fields are swept, weed sprayed and fertilised as well as harrowing and rolling in the spring. The field horses are carefully checked in the mornings and afternoons and are fed hay as they require it and should hard feed be necessary owners will be invoiced accordingly.
All horses arriving at Catherston Stud will have a Livery Agreement drawn up for them. All ridden / stabled horses will have a Livery Agreement or when Mares coming to the Stud will have a Nomination Form for Mares coming to the Stud. Both include the following statement:
“I leave this horse in the care and control of Catherston Stud. I give Catherston Stud the right to alter feed and turnout and or stable as deemed appropriate for the well being and relaxation of the above horse as considered necessary. Should any veterinary treatment be considered necessary, the owner’s permission will first be sought unless it is of an emergency nature when all appropriate action will be taken and the owner informed.
Owners are invoiced each calendar month, however we ask that owners pay a deposit of 4 weeks basic livery to secure a place.