Anthony Loriston-Clarke
Anthony, with Jennie are the Senior Partners of Catherston Stud. Anthony met Jennie in 1964 and married in 1965 and started their married life at Black Knoll House, Brockenhurst where Jennie continued running Catherston Stud. Anthony was at the time a research engineer at Brtitish Hovercraft. He then researched at Southampton University and proceeded to lecture at what is now Solent University in Marine Engineering and Materials. Convientely the University holidays co-inside with the main show season so Anthony was often supporting Jennie both in the ring with mares & foals and on designing, maintaining, building and improving each base that Catherston has been at.
Anthony was wholly responsible for the design of “Birds Eye” Catherston’s first International horse box! The criteria was to be as compact as possible, able to take up to 6 horses, but be able to convert to 4 horses or mares and foals etc, catering and living for up to 6 people, cubby holes and lockers for all the equine paraphanelia that is needed. As short as possible (economical on the ferry!) and totally practical in every way.
On being offered early retirement from lecturing, the decision was made to look for a property with more acreage than was available in the New Forest. The farm at Hurstbourne Priors was found and the designing, alterations and converting started again with Anthony creating staff accommodation from redundant farm buildings and garages, the student accommodation from calf pens, one of the indoor schools from a two level cattle shed and the feed room from the milking parlour. Then there was the placing of the indoor school avoiding the high pressure sewage main and the 3 stable blocks to start with. Outdoor arenas and show stabling blocks were then added to the site and car and lorry parking improved so that the establishment could hold and host some of the best top class shows of the time. The Dutch Courage Bar and Restaurant was the fore-runner of what all show centres are now providing.
After finding Croft Farm, the process started again with Anthony re-designing the buildings present in to the layout that he was wanting to achieve to provide a practical working establishment that we have here today.
Anthony continues with his innovative ideas, always utilising what is available and sometimes moving it!
Anthony enjoys travelling with Jennie to her judging commitments and is an experienced dressage writer. When at home he is chief carer for their dogs, Toffee and Torrie and chief daytime cook & bottle washer.